Sunday, April 24, 2016

Careers of the Future

Drive of your Life            One of the jobs that would be appealing to me would be becoming an actor. Being an actor is appealing to me because I like to make people laugh and I like talking in front of audiences. Actors are very special in the hearts of many people, they come up in conversation and they are the cause of happiness for many people. I want to be known, I want to know that when I die, people know that I died and that I was not just another Joe who you may have seen walking down the street one day. To become an actor I will need 2 extra years of schooling, so 2 years of college. If I was going to go to a college for acting I would go to Yale. It would cost 68,175 dollars, that’s a whole lot of money! The income for an actor is unknown and could not be any money if you’re not in the right place at the right time. I would like to do comedy if I could do any type of acting at all that would be my choice. I would just like to work for any company that would hire me because as long as I’m making people laugh and I’m getting paid, that’s all that I would need. An actor would be a good job for me because it is having fun for your job. 
            The next job that I would like to have would be to a marketing manager. I would like to be a marketing manager because I like to deal with new technology and other things that could be sold. I also am very good at persuading people to believe certain things that I would say. To become a marketing manager requires 4 extra years of schooling and a graduation from high school. I would go to the University of Wisconsin because they have a hockey team along with also being able to have a marketing degree. If I was going to the University of Wisconsin, it would cost 43,673.22 dollars, little cheaper than Yale, but it is not an Ivy League college. The average income of a marketing manager in 137,400 in a year and I would be just fine with that much money. I would like to do sports marketing for a baseball team or hockey team because I love to watch sports and I know how to show it and market for sports well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


USHL and College Hockey Route
I made an infographic on the path to the NHL going through the USHL and NCAA Div. 1 hockey programs on A good infographic has the perfect amount of pictures, as well as graphs and facts. I believe that my infographic is just that. I do not believe that is the best site that I could have used, but it did get the job done. I did not like how I could not put the pictures next to each other, causing the long drawn out infographic that it is. Overall, I had a good time creating an infographic.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Core of the Matter

The Apple versus FBI case is based on the San Bernardino terrorist case in which 14 people were killed by 2 terrorists. The terrorists were later shot and killed. The FBI took in the terrorists’ phones and believe that if they could get into it, they could find a way to help protect from more terrorist issues as well. The FBI needs to get into the phone and they need Apple to create a code to get into it. The FBI says that Apple has to listen and give them the code. Apple doesn’t want to because they believe that the FBI will open a backdoor to everyone’s privacy. Normal people think that this won’t have an effect on them because they have never done anything wrong. That’s not true. It will open a world for people to go into your life. “’I hacked your email on the plane and read everything you sent and received. I did it to most people on the flight.’ He had verbatim detail of a long email that he repeated back to me essentially word for word” Why it Consists to normal Americans. This shows that the code can open your phone just as the way an open hotspot does on an airplane. ‘“That’s how I know you’re interested in the Apple story,” he continued. “Imagine if you had been doing a financial transaction. What if you were making a date to see a women?’” My mind raced: What about my health records? My legal documents? My Facebook messages?” Why it Consists to normal Americans. This can cause people to see where you are going out to eat with someone and then beat you there and then might take whoever you are meeting and abduct them. This is why Apple should not give the FBI the code because it will take away the privacy of the world. I wonder if Apple does give the FBI the code, what will Apple do about  the other 72 phones that the FBI wants them to unlock.

Go Pros

Sunday, January 31, 2016

How a Driverless Car Sees the Road

How a Driverless Car Sees the Road

The video is about driverless cars and how they work. It also talks about the difference between driverless cars driver assisted cars. Driverless cars that they don't need anyone to take the wheel at all, but a driver assisted car does need a person at the wheel. Driverless cars have to be programmed to read all types of things that could be on the road. Anything that you could possibly encounter has to be programmed into the car. This video informed me about how driverless    
                                                                                 cars work because I am very interested in the topic.
How much do you think that this car would cost?
Would you sit in this car and not have any control of anything?