Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Core of the Matter

The Apple versus FBI case is based on the San Bernardino terrorist case in which 14 people were killed by 2 terrorists. The terrorists were later shot and killed. The FBI took in the terrorists’ phones and believe that if they could get into it, they could find a way to help protect from more terrorist issues as well. The FBI needs to get into the phone and they need Apple to create a code to get into it. The FBI says that Apple has to listen and give them the code. Apple doesn’t want to because they believe that the FBI will open a backdoor to everyone’s privacy. Normal people think that this won’t have an effect on them because they have never done anything wrong. That’s not true. It will open a world for people to go into your life. “’I hacked your email on the plane and read everything you sent and received. I did it to most people on the flight.’ He had verbatim detail of a long email that he repeated back to me essentially word for word” Why it Consists to normal Americans. This shows that the code can open your phone just as the way an open hotspot does on an airplane. ‘“That’s how I know you’re interested in the Apple story,” he continued. “Imagine if you had been doing a financial transaction. What if you were making a date to see a women?’” My mind raced: What about my health records? My legal documents? My Facebook messages?” Why it Consists to normal Americans. This can cause people to see where you are going out to eat with someone and then beat you there and then might take whoever you are meeting and abduct them. This is why Apple should not give the FBI the code because it will take away the privacy of the world. I wonder if Apple does give the FBI the code, what will Apple do about  the other 72 phones that the FBI wants them to unlock.


  1. I think that if Apple gives them the code, and the FBI tries to open other phones, lots of people will try to stop the government. Apple will most likely protest violently. "Comey’s statement served as a rejoinder to comments made earlier in the day by Apple attorney Ted Olson, who predicted the FBI’s request would unleash “Pandora’s box” and compromise the privacy of millions of Apple customers." (The war between the FBI and Apple just heated up again)

  2. I believe if Apple does give them the code the FBI will use it on the other 72 phones that they said they would, but they would also use it on every other Apple user to gain more information about everyday citizens. We would be more protected but we would lose our right to privacy. Also the public would not see very lightly to this, there would be protests and petition against. Overall it would have a negative affect on our country.

  3. I believe the FBI will use the code on all the other phones. If the FBI uses this code it could create a conflict with peoples safety and privacy concerns.

  4. I think that the FBI will forever has this code and will use this with other phones to prevent other possible attacks
